IAEA recognizes Palestine as an independent state - SID SOLUTION


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Friday 21 June 2019

IAEA recognizes Palestine as an independent state

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recognizes Palestine as an independent state. The IAEA recognizes this as allowing the country to join the organization as an observer member.

A spokesman for the IAEA said that Palestine is not a member of the organization; But they can take part in the IAEA meeting as observers.

Palestinian ambassador to IAEA director Yukiya Amano and Palestinian ambassador to Vienna, Salah Abdus Saffi, signed an agreement on Tuesday. Under the agreement, the IAEA will be able to test the security of explosive materials such as radioactive substances and uranium in Palestine.

According to Israeli media reports, there is no nuclear reactor in Palestine. But some hospitals and universities have nuclear products in the Department of Physics.

Meanwhile, Israel has expressed great anger over such steps by the IAEA. Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman Emanuel Nahshon commented on 'violation of international convention'.

In 2011, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO gave full membership to Palestine. Israel has responded strongly to the incident. In continuation of this, on 1 January this year, Israel has officially left the UNESCO. Following the footsteps, the United States also took similar steps.

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