Kurds using helpless children in Syria - SID SOLUTION


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Sunday 5 August 2018

Kurds using helpless children in Syria

Kurds using helpless children in Syria

Kurdish People's Proteunion Unit (YPJ) is using unsuspecting children for sheltering refugees in the civil war in Syria. Saudi Arabia's official English-language news media, Arab News, has quoted the Human Rights Watch as saying.

According to the news, human rights watchdog Human Rights Watch found 224 proofs of involvement in terrorist activities of children through Wipes in 2017. Which is almost five times as compared to the previous year.

United States-backed Wipes and Free Syrian Democratic Force take control of Syria's vast territory from Syria. They continued their activities in the areas of the United States.

According to Human Rights Watch, Kurdish fighters are being trained in children from displaced camps in the northeast region and using them in terrorist activities. Displaced Syrians have millions of Syrians living in camps scattered in different parts of the country. There are many camps in these camps where the Wipes terrorists are controlling.

According to the United Nations and human rights organizations, the Wipes used children in the war in the past. Although they pledged not to use children in hard work, they repeatedly broke.

Acting director of Human Rights Watch Priyanka Motaparthi said, "It is very dangerous because they are taking children from the helpless families of camps to the family."

According to international law, anyone listed below 18 years of age for armed groups and listed under the age of 15 years, is considered war crimes.

Human Rights Watch talks with 8 families in displaced camps in north-east Syria Families say Kurdish forces and law enforcement forces encourage their children to be listed.

A 13-year-old girl is among the child victims. The girl's mother said, 'We are poor. They told my daughter to go with them and give them money and clothes. Despite being forbidden, she wrote her daughter's name. Last month he could not find any.

Human Rights Watch has told AFP that they did not force children in the fight, but kept them separated from the family. No one is communicating and they are refusing to tell where they are.

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